A Widow For A Year (+)

Dear, My Loves,

I am back. It was a long, difficult detour, but I AM back and I have some pretty cool stories to share.

I want to tell you about being a young widow – as it has been for me anyway. I want to talk lonely, bitter, pissy, and about standing directly in the shadow of Grace (the ethereal Grace, not your girlfriend down the street).

I want to tell you about “The Hospice Experience” but that will likely pop up here and again as things remind me. So much, really, is faded or filed away for safety purposes. As it is time, I will dig’em up and tear’em up with you.

So, you knew I couldn’t stay away? Forgot to remove me from your “blogs I follow” list? Stumble by my place while looking for some serious information about chemobrain? (If yes on that last one, sorry.) Doesn’t matter all that much to me why you choose to listen/read, but telling stories is in my nature…. I’m glad there are folk who want or need to hear them.

I want to wonder….
And that’s kinda cool too.
It’s even more cool that we can wonder together
Sorry… segued way too close to something ethereal for having been gone so long . Eek.
(she shivers slightly and gets on with it)

So, yeah. There are stories to be told; silver linings to be sought; and battles to win yet. Might not always be fun, but it’s usually awfully interesting. (I think so, anyway.)

The name of this new era of writing is going to have to change accordingly. I’ve been trying a couple of titles, but nothing actually unique is jumping out at me. So…. all y’all may never hear (or see) this again, but I could use some help here, I think…. Anyway, I am open to taking suggestions. Lay’em on me.

Love you
thank you for waiting for me

~ Me